Our Clothing Brand

Location Loading was created to establish a community that ties together travel and fitness with a way to rep those two worlds combined. From flight attendants, to travel enthusiasts, to busy gals + guys on the go, we are constantly in different locations, trying to stay fit and adapting to wherever we may be. What better way to rep your fitness and travel lifestyle than with one brand that lets the two co-exist? That's where Location Loading was born.

In a world where you travel alone or solo or within a group, you will always have a place where you feel you belong, and a connection with everyone who lives their life on a whim with no two days being the same- no matter where your location is loading next.

Not only did we want to build a community for travel + fitness enthusiasts combined, but we also wanted to have a way to give back to our flight attendant community. Being two flight attendants ourselves for several years, we understand the ups, downs, and struggles flight attendants can go through. With Location Loading, we decided to partner with Th.AIR.Apy, an organization that supports flight attendants' mental and emotional health awareness. Each month 6% of every product we sell from our brand will be donated to an emergency resources fund for flight attendants managed by Th.AIR.Apy.

 When you wear our brand Location Loading, you are not only wearing another hat or piece of clothing, but you are representing flight attendants everywhere.

You can shop all of our latest pieces and collections at LocationLoading.SHOP


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